Your Reputation & Brand.
veritas: [ver•i•tas] noun, Latin., 1. truth
Thank you for checking in on who we are and what we do.
“Therein lies truth.”
This is the English translation of the Latin word “Veritas” and the foundation on which Veritas Communications Advisors was founded in 2004.
Our purpose is to advise and assist organizations that want to reach the right constituents with the right message at the right time. Developing a position, an opinion, a brand, a message or story, and a reputation is best grounded in fact, or truth, so that a context for credibility and transparency can be the basis for achieving your goals.

We help build relationships
We believe that no two situations are alike and approach each client assignment with focus and precision.
Who We Are
A team of public and media relations specialists, writers, and marketing communications consultants.
What We Do
We are seasoned communicators for organizations that are experiencing changes, challenges or opportunities in their markets, operations, structure or image.
How We Do It
Every engagement begins with learning about a client’s situation. We listen closely to business objectives in order to determine the most effective strategies.
And For Whom
We interact well with a client’s internal staff and often are asked to partner with their consultants, ad agencies or other PR firms to achieve a client’s goal.